Ulusal Dağıtım. Pardus.

The guys in Uludağ project did an excellent job and released a Live CD of the distro (Pardus) that they are workin on it. The distro is called Uludağ – Ulusal Dağıtım. It means National Distribution in turkish. So far the visuals, the engine, the synergy is yummy! Right after the release of the CD the maillist is bombarded with great comments about the distro. I believe the Pardus community started to populate exponentially which is very very good.

The project has a big road to travel and big ambitions. I personally love to see this project a shining star in couple of years. I also registered to the bugzilla of the project and will try to help on debugging stuff, maybe not codewise but more usabilitywise. : )

I wish all the project members good luck and congratulations!

Highpoint Raid Controller drivers under Linux

Here is a mini guide to compile the HPT drivers.

Download the source from here. Scroll down for the source code. (Now version 2.0 supports kernel 2.6.x)

Compile your kernel as usual. Do not include the kernel hpt support for 2.4.x versions. 2.6.x does not have hpt support.

open the tgz archive under a directory.

mkdir hptdriver
cd hptdriver
cp /where/ever/your/tgzfile/is/hpt3xx-opensource-v2.0.tgz ./
tar xzvf hpt3xx-opensource-v2.0.tgz

Take a note of the kernel source tree. (usually /usr/src/linux)

Go into Makefile and change the kernel source tree if needed. There is a readme.txt file in the tar bundle. Read that too.

issue a make.


your drivers are ready! hpt.o hpt37x2.o for 2.4.x kernels and hpt37x2.ko for 2.6.x kernels.

Put them in your initrd file. And boot! ; )