My buddy calaz is getting ready to go to complete his mandatory military service. Good luck bro! It will soon be over and you won`t even realize!
Pics and music again?
Since I started using Amarok as a media player, I started to listen music (my collections) again… That`s interesting to see how visuality helps the music… I never thought about that before.
I can say the same things for photography also… I was kinda bored and ignoring photography. I`m generally bored anyway, but still I was a bit frustrated that I lost the muse of photography. After discovering TrekLens and started being a picture whore, I realized that I touch my digital camera more often these days . For example I even used my tripod for after so many months to take some lightning pictures of the recent storm… (Well the lightning show turned out to be pretty bad, but the clouds were awesome)
I guess monotony is what life is about, especially once you start your real life… Meaning métro, boulot, dodo. (Commute, work, sleep) The little differences what makes life a bit better. Like amarok, and treklens in this blog entry`s case…
I added a new module to my blog. It is called LinkTrek. It resides on the right side of my blog. Currently it is marked as New. Here I will try to put links that I find interesting. In order to see the explanation I made about a particular link please hover your mouse pointer on that link.
I might change the interface later on. Also I just started to populate it, it might take some time to get more links there. Stop by sometimes to see the links that I like. (if you care )
Photoblog – Where is Zipir?
Don`t you get it?!
Yeah Tayyip Erdogan and the rest of the cabinet, and all @55 lickers of the so called European Union… I`m talking to you. Don`t you still get it? EU DO NOT WANT TURKEY! Stop licking and start thinking. You are hurting the honor of every Turk in this world! (And I bet with this rate of escape from Turkey, you will find one or two landed on moon or something!)
What more will you give to EU? Your land? Your rights? How about your honor?! I understand that politics need to bend a bit to the right, bend a bit to the left, BUT THAT`S ENOUGH…
Ask yourself…
Do you trust yourself?
Do others trust you?
Are you a liar?
Do you lie to yourself?
Are you under influence of others?
Do you influence others?
Do you judge people by their actions or by their characters?
What is sharing? Do you share or do you leech?
Is the truth of yours different than others`?
Do you believe in the system? Do you want to change it?
Do you trust the system?
What makes you feel good?
Does your life control you? Do you control your life?
Do you want to control your life?
Comments are back.
This mofo poker spammer have ruined my comments section a while ago.. Now I added a mini image verification system to my comments, thanks to this page. So it will run on sandbox a while. If your comments do not get through please complain. (Well if you know me of course… I won`t publish an email for whining hehe)
It is very easy to use. Please type the number you see in the image to the box right below that image. All comments still have to be approved first. So there is a delay between you commenting and me reading and approving.
Everything Zen
Everything Zen
I don`t think so…
Elevator people.
I just hate people talking in front of the elevators and blocking the others to get in! Choose somewhere else to talk man!
Blackberry bloggin` :P
I`m sipping coke in Hoboken now with my buddy Oktay. I`m testing bloggin` from his blackberry. Let`s see how it works.
Edit: It works…