Long relations and happy endings?

I don`t think so… I am starting to lose all my faith to long term relations. I`m not writing this post because I`ve been ditched by my girlfriend after some years of relationship. On the contrary I am not even in a relationship right now. (Chicks! Be careful… RAWR! 😛 ) But when I look around me nowadays, for the last two years, Every long relation is coming to an end or crawling… And this end is not even a happy end.. : I don`t know if all this is a bad coincidence, but it looks like all of my friends are somewhat screwing up their relationships.

From what I see, there are several reasons for all these ends… One of them being jealousy. Now, I`m not going to be a easy fella and blame one specific gender here. Every relationship has its own pace, personality, etc… But why the fuck all girls around me are acting like their guys are going to screw another female?! What is that neo-jealousy? Look, if someone is going to cheat on you, (s)he will do it no matter what… Jealousy WILL NOT HELP! On top of it, it hurts the relationship. So stop being jealous and trust your partner… Or just break up and try your luck with someone else.

One other is marriage, commitment, etc… Ok we, men, are afraid of marriage. Whole world knows it. We feel we will not be free anymore, commitment is scary, blah blah blah… BUT this doesn`t mean that we are going to spread semen all over when we see a woman at the bar… If you believe that human is a social creature, you gotto believe that your (future) husband will talk at some point of time, with a female… Again I repeat, this does not mean that the guy is hitting on her. He might have like her, and that is normal, you like airplanes, you like soccer, you like a flower, you might like a woman too. If your guy does not like a woman, there is a problem with him!

Given the fact, it is very normal to hurt him if he does something stupid with that woman… The abnormal thing is: to hurt him thinking that OH! he will screw her anyway! Hey… If your guy is screwing another girl, or thinking about it, why are you with that guy? Just ditch him! And don`t believe any lies he says abut how your relationship will be better, etc… That is bullshit! I don`t think a relation will ever be the same after you cheat on your partner. So fuck it… There are gazillions of other man… Ditch the guy and byebye ; )

Well anyway, I started to be out of my league I guess… Longer posts, lesser readers… So yeah, the main idea is: Just relax, live your relationship, don`t push too much your partner for the things (s)he never did or will do, make your point and get over with it. If you think that things are not working out, just leave… Shit happens, and will happen…

6 years ago today…

I was shaken, rumbled, psychologically taken down like most of the Marmara area. 6 years ago, today, North Marmara region was hit by a big earthquake. It caused thousands to die, disappear, injured, homeless, poor… 6 years ago this week, I was there for search and rescue operations with few friends. 6 years ago this week, I couldn`t save lifes of the habitants of this collapsed house after digging 6 hours, I couldn`t help this family to recover their son`s body under the massive building… He looked so alive. :

6 years ago this week, I saw the devastation of the forces of the nature… 6 years ago this week, I understood how cruel can be some, to steal poors leftovers, to build such fucked up buildings, to steal the dogs of the rescuers… 6 years ago this week, I understood how people of different race, gender, nationality, can become one to help the poor, the sad, the homeless, the injured…

I spent 3 days in the earthquake area, I spent a life there… I learned so much in 3 days, that I learned in 3 years…

I still hate how almost nobody learned from the mistakes. Same buildings, same thiefs constructors stealing from concrete and steel, same idiots ruling the country…

Worm in the wild for MS05-039

Things are getting wild. Several worms (variants) are out for MS05-039. If you are not patched yet, please do it now especially for Windows 2000 computers! Windows XP SP 2 and Windows 2003 users, you are in better shape for the moment…

Some good info on these specific worms (Now nine variants: Zotob and IrcBot variants) can be found here, F-Secure weblog.

I also got news that CNN, NY Times, Capitol Hill, and lots of companies are hit by this worm. Just google Zotob on the news section. You`ll have tons of info on the havoc ; )

Say hello to the FM Galaxy!

This is not the FM that you see in the radios, no no, it is not FreshMeat.net either… This is in fact a turkish site for technology and geeky news. Sounds like slashdot right? NO! We don`t have idiot commenters in this site… Well, maybe not that much… : )

FM has now a blog aggregator for the participants of the site. They call it galaxy. (keywords: hitchiker, 42… Capish?) It is in turkish mainly.

So my blog is now in the galaxy ; ) No more naked chick pics ; ) Sorry!

Software version comparison table.

I read this in on one of the Fazlamesai comments, which also was taken from some other site. : D

Here`s the comparison table:

Open source calls it: alpha testing, Microsoft calls it: 1.0, Google calls it: shhhh … top secret, Apple calls it: unsubstantiated rumors

Open source calls it: beta testing, Microsoft calls it: 2.0, Google calls it: beta testing, Apple calls it: rumors with possibly some substance to them

Open source calls it: release candidate, Microsoft calls it: 3.0, Google calls it: beta testing, Apple calls it: copies are circulated to the usual suspects, who eagerly publish reviews describing it as the “most innovating product yet!”

Open source calls it: 1.0, Microsoft calls it: varies. Previous names have included 3.1, 95, 98, 4.0, 5.0 or X, Google calls it: beta testing, Apple calls it: released to the market place, Steve Jobs goes on record to say that it is “insanely great”.

Open source calls it: 2.0, Microsoft calls it: SP1,2,3…, Google calls it: beta testing, Apple calls it: a recall

August patches from Microsoft.

Man… First a Windows tip, then 7 million dollar spam case, now august patches… I`m giving too much presence on my blog to Microsoft… 😛

Anyway, M$ released the august patches and one of them is pretty tough… Please look MS05-039. I have a bad feeling about this one. Next worm storm might hit this one… So my recommendation is to get patches and/or to close port 139 and port 445 using your best damn firewall… : )