I'll be hosting an IRC seminar on network mapping with nmap and hping on #fazlamesai channel in irc.freenode.org. It will start 03/18/06 – 22:00 (GMT+2) and it will be in turkish.
Here is the log for the seminar.
I'll be hosting an IRC seminar on network mapping with nmap and hping on #fazlamesai channel in irc.freenode.org. It will start 03/18/06 – 22:00 (GMT+2) and it will be in turkish.
Here is the log for the seminar.
You Are Gonzo the Great |
In order to be able to su to root with your average user, you need to at this user to the wheel group.
The new GUI installer sucks (it doesn't know how to fail if its emerge fails at any point during to installation…)
Follow this guide to beautify your fonts of your system…
Followed this excellent guide
for Gentoo installation. The only difference was the wireless card
since I had one that works with ipw2200 drivers. To configure your
card, here is what you need.
General Gentoo tip: You should definitely install module-rebuild. It understands which packages need to be recompiled because of the kernel dependency (caused by a recompile of the kernel, etc…). How cool this can be?!
More to come…
EĞER bu krize “Bir komutan, bir savcı, bir iddianame” gözüyle bakarsanız yanılırsınız.
Bu bir rejim sorunudur.
Okullarda, ders kitaplarında, camilerde, sermaye kesiminde, yerel
yönetimlerde, sokaklardaki afişlerde, içki yasağında, üniversitelerde,
türbanda, kamu kadrolarında, toplumun yaşam biçiminde…
Kısacası dört bir yanda süregelen sinsi karşı devrimin bir başka ucudur bu…
İşin içinde “Paşa” olduğu için önemsendi.
O kadar…
Diyelim ki dünyanın gözünde Türkiye’nin kimliğinin “laik cumhuriyet” olmaktan çıkartılıp “ılımlı İslam”a dönüştürülmesi sizce daha mı az sakıncalıydı?
Hukukun üstünlüğü yerine “ulemanın” gösterilmesi rejime karşı daha mı az tuzaktı?
Okul kitaplarında Atatürk resimlerinin çıkartılıp, yerine türbanlı kadınlarla resmini koymak… Milli Eğitim Bakanı’nın emri ile biyoloji kitaplarına “Yaratılış teorisini” monte etmek…
TRT’den medrese yayını yapmak…
İmamları vali-kaymakam kılmak için sinsi ve hileli kararnameler çıkartmak…
Türbandan, dergah eğitimine kadar bir bir dayatma…
Tüm bunlar cumhuriyet rejimi için daha mı az tehlikeydi?.. Rejime karşı daha mı az suçtu ki sesi çıkmadı kimsenin?
Niçin şimdi bu telaş?..
Çünkü bu sefer işin içinde “Paşa” olması çok şey anlatıyor.
Eğer sıra Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin en tepesindeki sevilen, saygın, Atatürk Türkiyesi’nin bir yürekli kuvvet komutanı orgeneraline gelmişse…
Saldırı; cumhuriyet devrimlerinin sağlam tek güvencesi Ordu’ya kadar ulaşmışsa…
Dinci bu kadar korkusuz ve kararlıysa…
Korktu ağam.
kazanımları bir bir yok edilirken, yalakalığından, ahmaklığından ya da
çıkarından dolayı sesini çıkartmayanlar, şimdi telaşlandılar.
Açıldı dilleri.
Ondandır bu sesler.
Bu telaş...
I liked a lot the feature, Ubuntu detecting automagically my camera
so I thought about implementing it in my new Gentoo system too. But I
had no idea how to do it. It turned out to be very easy in fact.
At first you need gnome installed in your computer. I will not talk about this part here.
You also need the gnome-volume-manager installed. in gentoo you need to type:
emerge gentoo-volume-manager
rc-update add hald default
rc-update add dbus default
Then start the hald, and dbus services.
I like to use gthumb to download my pictures from my camera (Just like default Ubuntu) so I installed gthumb:
emerge gthumb
To setup which program to be run when a camera is plugged in, run:
from the Cameras tab, checkmark “Import digital photographs when
connected” and enter “gthumb –import-photos” to the Command: field.
Click Close.
Update: this step is especially important for PTP compliant cameras, if your camera is recognized as a usb drive, gnome-volume-manager will possibly automount your camera as a drive anyway.
have one more step to go. (And I spent some time to find it out…) add
your user to the group declared in: /etc/hotplug/usb/usbcam (In my case
it was plugdev)
Next time you insert your camera, TADAAAA! you will automagically have the Import Photo dialog appearing:
Good luck!
Since I'm into WYSIWYG editors nowadays, I found this combination pretty interesting. It combines the TinyMCE interface and the file manager of the FCKEditor. If you want to integrate it to your system, be very careful when setting the document_base_url: variable. The name of the variable is deceiving. I first thought that it was mentioning the URL of the page, but in fact it is for setting up the directory for it. So it must be set like:
Another thing is that once you setup/enable the file connector for the language of your needs, it creates, no matter what, a directory called Image under the main image upload directory set by the $Config['UserFilesPath'] variable. (if you know how to enable the file connector, you know what I'm talking about, if you don't know what I'm talking about please start from the FCKEditor documents)
Here is a screenshot:
I test drove yesterday the new GTI MK V. It is an awesome machine, a piece of art! But… This is another blog entry. Well, since I showed an extreme enthusiasm on the subject (e.g the new GTI) and the “fast” they handed me a DVD on the subject. It contains a very nice video of sketches about the “creation of the fast”
But unfortunately the video was for the wrong region! I think they somewhat mixed it with Europe… So I needed to find a region free DVD player. I happened to have one in fact Philips DVP642! All you have to do is this:
Turn on the player
Open the DVD tray by pressing eject or holding the stop button for 2 seconds
Press 7 8 9
Press OK
Press 0
You should see a 0 at the bottom of your screen. Voilà! You have a region free DVD player!
(Nice trick to hold your Stop key for 2 secs for ejecting right? That's what I thought so too!)
My blog is a collection of scripts that I have been writing for the last few years. The weakest part of it was the administration page. Since it was only me who were to see the admin page (hopefully hehe) it looked like crap.
I was also bored of writing lots of html tags to give a link to a site or to create a stupid image link, etc.. So I decided to use some WYSIWYG textareas to create the content.
I made some research on which rich textareas available and ended up with TinyMCE. This editor transforms all the textareas in your webpages to a WYSIWYG editor. So it is very easy to integrate in your current textareas. Also there is no serverside action, so it is pretty “secure”.
TinyMCE is also Open Source under LGPL. It is developed by Moxiecode Systems AB. It is platform independent and it supports Mozilla, MSIE, FireFox, Opera and experimentally Safari. (No Konqueror ) It supports themes and it is very easy to add, remove buttons, customize and theme the TinyMCE.
Integrating TinyMCE to your current environment is really really easy All you have to do is to add some Javascripts (literally two lines) and it automagically converts all your textareas to a WYSIWYG editor
Here is more on this.
Well, this will be my first blog entry using TinyMCE, so I'm crossing my fingers and submitting the story
Edit: It worked! YAY!
Edit2: For those who wonder how my admin page looks like, here is a screenshot. (It looks much less crappy now!
This week Istanbul Bilgi University is hosting Free Software and Open Source Days. This is one of the biggest events in Turkey on the subject. But unfortunately, I don't see anything on the news about this event. And when I say news, I don't mean the mainstream media, nobody's blog, not even Fazlamesai talks about what is going on, how it went, etc…
I wanted to visit Freedays this year but unfortunately I couldn't find a gap from work to visit. (I need to fly aaaall the way to Turkey for this event…) Anyway, I'll keep an eye on galaksi, and gezegen. Hopefully someone writes a summary of the event soon.
I'm currently on the phone and on hold for the technical support. As usual I have some sort of music playing on the background. (Collin Raye – Couldn't Last A Moment) (Found the last song from cowboylyrics.com or something like that!) Those songs always have some weird effect on me. I feel like at the end of each song the support guy will pick up the phone and answer my question… But it never happens, the next cheesy song comes and goes… (now it is playing Tina Turner – Proud Mary) Now that it goes along with the topic, I'm gonna write all the songs I listened during this hold… We can estimate my hold time like this… 😛
Billy Vera – At this moment
(aaaah good song! ) Beach Boys – California Girls
Pauletta Washington – It's In Your Eyes
Some talk with the support…
Police – Message in a bottle
The wait is over, the support couldn't fix my problem, I'm going home! 😛