Update on Zipir`s health! :)

I wanted to update you guys on Zipir`s health. We visited him
yesterday, he still had the urinary thing (sonda) on him. He had a
looong pipe getiing out of his male organ thingy : ) And at the end of
it there was a human size urinary cathetar! YAZIK ZIPIRAAAA! (poor

He was much more active than the time we dropped him to the hospital.
He was of course trying to hide from everything.

I got a call from the doctor this morning. He said that he started to
pee, drink and eat all by himself. So this is very good news. I can
take him home today afternoon. So he`ll be home around 6-7 pm : )

Thanks for all who called and gave support on my sad day : )

Zipir is sick :(

This is from the email I sent to my friends: 

Yesterday (Oct 06) in the morning time we saw that he was a bit weak
and sometimes spacing out, somewhat not happy and he was moving a bit
slow motion. He was also spending some more time in his litter box
than normal. He was going in and out of the litter box, etc…

We thought that he was still not happy because I was out for the last
3 weeks. Then I went to work and came back, he was chilling in the
middle of my bedroom and he looked like he wasn`t paying attention to
whatever I say. I tried to play with him and he actually played with
me some time. So I thought he was fine.

I went out again and came back few hours later. We found him throwing
up in my room. After cleaning the mess, we saw that he looked like he
had some pain around the stomach area so we thought that he had an
upset stomach. We gave him some grass and he literally ate them all!
Then he threw up again, this time we saw a pinkish, reddish liquid
coming from his stomach. We feared that it was blood so around 12am,
we decided to take him to pet hospital emergency.

We took him to South Paws Animal hospital in Fairfax, the doctor
decided that he had clogging in his urinary system, and he basically
couldn`t pee : She said that this is somewhat a common problem for
the male cats. To get a second opinion we drove to Alexandria
Veterinary Emergency Service, and the doctor there said the same
thing, but charged us almost twice : So we took him back to South
Paws around 4 am.

As a result: They put a urinary catheter to flush out his bladder
which is going to stay on him for 12/24 hours. They also sedated/put
him to sleep during this. They are also going to make urine and blood
analysis to find out if this is caused by  urine crystalization or
other stuff… They will also observe him another 12 hours to make
sure that he can pee all by himself after they removed the catheter.
We expect him to be at home Sunday around 6-7 PM the best case

I`ll visit him today, and try to get some pics. I will share it with you.

Just wanted to let you Zipir lovers know.

Hopefully there is a heaven…

I just read that the most helpful, the nicest admin of the freenode irc servers passed away couple of days ago : Rob Levin, aka lilo, he was the father of freenode. Unfortunately I got the sad news very late : I don`t know what to say………… My sincere condolescences and prayers goes to his family and friends :

Mozilla firefox problem. [Solved]

Ok I had this NASTY problem with my mozilla firefox at my work computer. (Do I have to say that I`m using Linux? Yes! I DO! Anyway…) Whenever I scroll with my mouse up or down, firefox used to go back and forth in the history as I hit the top and bottom of the page. This might sound complicated, here I`ll try to explain more…

Example: Surf couple of pages, and at the last page, read the article, and scroll all the way to the top of the article using your mouse scroll button… BOOM! Firefox goes to the previous page I was looking at! (Sometime couple of pages)

First I thought this was a bug… But then I thought some “genius” might have put this in firefox as a “feature”… I kinda fucked my brain to find a solution for this and nothing… NADA… RIEN!

At last I found this line in my xorg.conf file:

Option “ZAxisMapping” “4 5 6 7”

This somehow tells X to use scroller as a vertical scroller as soon as it hits to the top of the page (or bottom)… Most of the browsers have this vertical scroller functions mapped to the history browsing (back and forth)… So I changed the line to:

Option “ZAxisMapping” “4 5”

Now I`m happy : )

What`s going ooon?

It`s been a month and half that I didn`t write anything here. Why? Because I didn`t feel like. 😛

I still don`t feel like writing here anything, but if I start writing small by small maybe it will come back…

First of all, I went for a great vacation in Turkey. I was in Istanbul for more than a week. I spent some good time with my friends and family. Then I went to my summer/beach house in Çeşme. I spent a good two weeks there. Although I screwed my back there and I had to lay down for 4-5 days, it was nice to be with family! I also drove to Bodrum to meet Özgür, Ömür and Allison. I just stayed there for like 3 days but it was super fun : )

Turkey is definitely a great vacationland : D I love my country, super compact and you can find the best of everything very near to each other. The life there really rocks! : )

I started working today again 😛 After more than 3 weeks it sux : ) But I like what I`m doing right now. Hopefully things will be smooth in the future workwise.

I`m thinking about doing more sports. I already started another diet after my cholesterol results… 😛 Mom, dad, YES I`m taking my cholesterol pills : )  I will be walking more. I`m thinking about hiking a bit, since I`m living in a great place for hiking. Also the season is there. Foliage is approaching. So there is no better time. : )

I should also investigate local swimming pools. If they are good and clean, I will try to swim this year.

Other than that I have nothing to say 😛 Hopefully I will be back with more gibberish on my blog! 

End of an era…

Today is somewhat an end to an era for me… Today I quit my current position. For some it might be “so what?”. But for me this was the end of a close to 4 years of “real job”… I`m not going to rant and rave about how “boring” my job was or how it sucked… It`s just not what I wanted… And it took me 4 years to realize that… 😛

I`m starting my new position in… mmm… 14 hours… 😛 It will still be the same field “computer security” but the area of expertise now has changed from server security to network security. And also my new office will be at the opposite side of the corridor. Still same building, same floor, same company, but totally different team and department.

I wish I could have taken some time off since for almost 2 years I didn`t have a “real” vacation. (Except the one month of leave that I took for my military service last year 😛 )

Other than that I`m somewhat excited that now i`ll work more with free software on the network security field : D Also I will have to learn quite a lot. 

Near future is only visible for 3 months starting August 2006… I have a contract with my employer until the end of October… After that if we both like each other, I will be working there for some time more. Else… There is a great chance that I will go back home for good!

All the best! 

Ilginc rakamlar.

Gözünüzden kaçmasın diye buraya da not alayım dedim. Oktay Ekşi`nin bugünkü yazısından:

Milli Eğitim Bakanı Hüseyin Çelik bilindiği gibi tüm eğitim kurumlarını medreseleştirme hayaliyle çırpınıyor. Nitekim şu anda eğitim sistemimizde görev yapan Fizik öğretmenlerinin sayısı 7637; Felsefe öğretmenleri 5099; Coğrafya öğretmenleri 6656; Bilgisayar öğretmenleri 6999 olmasına karşın Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi öğretmenlerinin sayısı 13.328’dir.

ki bakanlığımız fizik dersi, kimya dersi boş geçebilir ama din bilgisi
dersi (pratikte din dersi) boş geçmesin diye uğraşıyor.

Yukarıdaki rakamlar sizi sıkmadıysa bir de Hüseyin Çelik’in bakan olduğu tarihten bu yana yapılan öğretmen tayinlerine bakalım:

Son üç yılda okullara toplam 335 Biyoloji; 290 Felsefe; 193 Fizik; 203 Elektrik; 98 Kimya; 2074 Matematik; 761 Müzik öğretmeni tayin edilmiş.

Peki aynı dönemde tayin edilen Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi öğretmeni sayısı nedir derseniz söyleyelim:

Tam 5563!

Yakın tarihlerde yapılan 600 kadar tayinle rakam 6000’in üstüne çıkıyor.