OK, the title means: World of Warcraft One Time Password Goodness. 🙂
I just got my OTP generator from Blizzard. It has a nice horde colors touch. The activation was very simple. I was expecting that it would replace my static password, but it didn’t. Instead it asks your password first (what you know) then it asks the code generated by the token in a second window (what you have).
It’s very nice to see from a computer game vendor to use two factor authentication. And here is a picture 😉
I remember my ex’s wow account being hacked, one day he logged in and all of his precious items which would have been worth at least couple of thousand on eBay were gone- this is a fact because I witnessed him cashing thousands selling some of his previous characters, one of his sales included mine as a bonus 🙁
Anyway there was no clue about the thieves, he was to blame for his bad password selection and using the same password on different types of online accounts. Blizzard could not do anything about it, they weren’t able to return his loss. The earnings made through years of hard core game playing vanished in one night 🙂 Since we were not doing well at that time, I must say that I really enjoyed his misery and I couldn’t believe he wasn’t suspicious of me. Who knows who was behind it, hahaha!
Burda bankalar devletin de karışmasıyla iyce kafayı yediler. Önce kullanıcı numaranı giriyorsun. Çoğunda kullanıcı adı yok. Ondan sonra parolanı giriyorsun. Daha sonraki ekranda phishing koruması olarak daha önce seçtiğin bir resim çıkıyor. Daha sonra bir de şifre giriyorsun. Adamların gözünde parola ve şifrenin ne farkı var bilmiyorum ama ayrı ayrı soruyorlar. Bazılarında şifre sayısal parola alfanumerik oluyor.
Burada da bitmiyor. Yeni kanunla 1 Ocak’tan itibaren bunlardan sonra da cep telefonuna bir tek kullanımlık şifre geliyor. Bu şifreyi de girip hızlı bir şekilde işini hallediyorsun.
ReCaptcha: \Less misusing\ yerine \less paul\ diyorum. 🙂
ReCaptcha 2: “virile each” yerine “virile cunt” diyorum. Each’i zor okudum. Heralde OCR yapamadığı odur 🙂