Comments are on!

I decided to add comments section to my blog to hear from my readers. (if there are any :D) I have to approve the comments first (bad guys and spammers you know!  Also I don`t allow any html code to go into the comments. I just filter them out. So if you want to give some links, etc… Just copy paste the link itself. I might later implement a BBCode type of system.

So far my blog code is totaly screwed up 🙁 My plan was to open the code for these pages to the world and add “yet another blog code” to code junkyard out there. But I am ashamed of it… I might spend some time to clean it and modularize it. We`ll see…

Happy commenting!

2020 update: This was written on my blog code in 2004, way before anything like WordPress existed! 🙂

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