Lord of the Rings: a.k.a How I humped the book by Peter Jackson…

This is something that I wanted to write for quite long time. This is to show how much I hate Lord of the Rings movies… All three of them…

I`m a good reader, and I know book films and film books are not that good. However there is something really different in LOTR. With all the media coverage and bullshit reviews of the movies, Peter Jackson become a super human, and he`s obviously much more famous that J.R.R.Tolkien. And this pisses me off…

I read the book in two languages. First in Turkish, then in english. And I must admit, the english version of my book has a scene from the movie on the cover. I also do not consider myself as someone who dedicated his life to LOTR. But I loved the book, I loved the story and especially the characters in the book. I cannot say the same thing for the movie! Let the ranting start…

Frodo: He`s gay. I`m sorry to say but his weak, cry-a-lot, girly character made my life a living hell during the couple of hours I spent in the movie theater. I certainly didn`t imagine him like while reading the book. The small person can achieve big things image is completely raped by P. Jackson. He made Frodo so “small” that he became a whiny shitty character. Enough said…

Gimli: Give me a break! He`s the taşakoğlanı in the movie. (This is a turkish saying meaning testicle boy…) Everybody makes fun of him, he`s goofy, low IQ and so so warrior. Hey Peter, WTF man? Have ever read the book? Gimli is a great warrior, blunt and definitely not a source of comic relief! Why would anybody waste such a good charater, is beyond my imagination!

Sam: Gay number 2. They are a duo of whiny puppies. In the name of making Sam naive, the movie depicts him as gay. Period!

Actually I`m super bored of this entry I`m gonna stop. This makes me upset! I`ll continue one day… Especially on Saruman, Gandalf Mortal Combat scene… ARGH!

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