And I`m still not sleepy! Fuck! I hate this… Sleeping is such a waste of time!
And you, the blog comment spammer! Fuck you too! Don`t you see that I put a CAPTCHA there?! Stop spamming me. You cannot fill out my comment forms correctly anyway…
Correction: I got reddited… Those visitors were real. Sorry I never got reddited before. I got angry when I saw my log.
This is the article that went to reddit.
Check your link (the article)!!! It`s le dead.
I just realized that the stupid editor that I`m using changes these links automagically! So I fixed the code! Thanks for letting me know!
sen ÝKEA da calisan emre degilsin herhalde?
Ben baska emre`yim
i dont get it, how come i never saw your april 2006 postings before? were you hiding them or was i just blind enough not to see them? now i am kind of 8 months late…
you know who i am.