My letter to Recaro

91NL3dV8fxL._SL1500_Dear Recaro,

Today we are going to talk about a nasty topic: Puking. When input is not routed correctly, it becomes a nasty, dangerous projectile. And that’s exactly what happened when my almost 2 year old daughter started puking on our brand newish Recaro Performance Sport ChildSeat.

Your product acted like a champ!

Stopped the overflows in many layers, absorbed some of the half chewed blueberry leftovers, deflected some others. The smell and the colors of the grapes, almost fermented by the bodily juices and scorching sun, were very easy to clean since the different layers of fabric and foam were super easy to remove.

The designer team of the harnesses needs a raise or a trip to Hawaii or something like that. Where the harnesses meet the seat was designed so good that all I needed to do is to spray some fabric cleaner and use a toothpick to remove the oozy, jelly grape particles.

Overall, if you test your seats against puking, you already know you are doing a great job. If not, you can sleep very good tonight knowing that your product passed my daughter’s puking and my cleaning test!

Thank you Recaro!

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