Living as a sane person in an insane environment.

Colleague comes: (let`s call him C.)

C: Call me at 3:30PM I have to come to your office. We need to fix this and that.

Me: Ok come to my office directly I`ll be waiting after 3:30PM

C: No you call me at 3:30 and then I will come.

Me thinks: Why do I have to call him if we will already have a meeting in MY office after a specific time?

Me: I will be here after 3:30 PM, I don`t have to call you. You can come directly.

C: I came to your office yesterday and 2 days ago and you were not there and blah… blah… blah…

Me: Did you call me or did we agree on a specific time to discuss this issues and you came to my office and you couldn`t find me yesterday or two days ago?

C: No…

Me: So? Did we agree on a time today?

C: Yes…

Me: So do I still have to call you at 3:30?

C: ….. no…..

Me: Thanks. I`ll see you in my office at 3:30PM…