Tag Archives: wordpress

Twit and Shout plugin for WordPress

So I finished the skeleton of my plugin and I just tested, it’s working. 🙂

It basically sends a twitter update to my twitter account (That I’m not using at all) whenever I publish a new article entry on my blog with a link to the new entry. Also the link to the entry is converted to tinyurl. I do that with php cUrl libraries. This is not the most elegant way of doing it, I’d rather open sockets and do it but I don’t have much time to spend on this 😛

The plugin currently works, I know how to send a message each time my article is published, I know how to add an admin sub menu to the Settings main menu.I also know how to display a proper form to do admin settings for my plugin.

I still don’t know how to save my plugin’s variables to the wp_options table. There is way, I know, but I didn’t have time to investigate it. This is to save/edit the twitter username/password and also maybe the twitter update message to the WP database so that it’s not in the cleartext in plugins. (Easier for dummies :P)

Next version will handle these issues, then I will release it to the public. 🙂 (btw, there are at least 5 plugins already doing this so you really don’t need mine)