FLCD CD mailing howto.

Here are the steps and tactics we use for mailing Linux CDs to you @ FLCD. Almost all the pictures contain a CD to help you to understand the proportions.

  1. Take a big envelope, I don`t know the exact size of it but it is a little bit bigger than a Letter size paper.

  2. Cut the envelope in two @ the middle of the long corner. (Fold the envelope along the long border in half to get an exact cut line.)

  3. A CD sleeve is excellent but if you cannot find one (or in our case, a lot!) u can use a paper to wrap around the CD.
  4. Put the CD in the sleeve.

  5. Close the envelope (both edges!) and scotch it. (In the picture on side is self adhesive)

  6. Put the destination address, return address, stamp (WE NEED STAMPS! PLEASE CONTRIBUTE! : ) ) and mail it!

The reason we use a biggy envelope and cut in half is that first of all it is cheaper, (one envelope -> two envelopes) and when you split it in half you have two 37 cent delivery (at the time of this writing) envelopes (that means it`s is cheaper :P).

If you decide one day to be a delivery guy for FLCD, please don`t forget to get your office supplies from where you work for free if you can *evil grin* : D